
What Are Piano Keys Made Of – 4 Deep dives into Piano Keys

What are piano keys made of? In modern pianos, the keys are typically made of either wood or synthetic materials. The choice of material depends on various factors such as cost, durability, and environmental concerns. Let’s take a closer look at the different materials used in piano keys.

In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of piano keys and explore their history, construction, and materials. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding the composition of piano keys can deepen your appreciation for this timeless instrument.

A Brief History of Piano Key Materials

To truly understand what piano keys are made of, we must first delve into the history of these instruments. The earliest pianos, dating back to the early 18th century, had keys made from wood. These wooden keys were often covered with a thin layer of ivory or bone to provide a smooth surface for the player’

Keys on the First Pianos

The first pianos featured keys made of wood, usually spruce or beech. These wooden keys were sturdy and provided a good foundation for the player’s fingers. However, they lacked the smoothness and responsiveness that pianists desired.

The Introduction of Ivory

In the late 18th century, ivory became the material of choice for piano keys. Ivory keys were highly coveted for their aesthetic appeal and superior playing experience.

The natural grain and color variations of ivory added a touch of elegance to the piano’s appearance. Moreover, ivory offered a smooth and responsive surface, allowing pianists to express themselves with precision and control.

Ivory vs. Plastic Keys: What’s the Difference?

In recent years, the use of ivory in piano keys has become a subject of debate due to ethical and environmental concerns. As a result, many modern pianos feature keys made of synthetic materials such as plastic. Let’s compare the characteristics of ivory and plastic keys in terms of color, construction, UV method, and the needle test.


Ivory keys have a warm, creamy color with natural variations, while plastic keys tend to have a more uniform and consistent appearance. The distinct color of ivory keys adds a touch of elegance to the piano’s overall aesthetic.

Key Construction

Ivory keys are made from the outer layer of elephant tusks, which is a dense and durable material. On the other hand, plastic keys are typically made from a combination of acrylic and resin. While plastic keys can be manufactured to feel similar to ivory, they may not offer the same level of responsiveness and tactile feedback.

UV Method

To distinguish between ivory and plastic keys, a UV light can be used. Ivory emits a yellowish glow under UV light, while plastic remains unaffected. This method can be helpful when determining the authenticity of ivory keys.

Using a Needle

Another method to differentiate between ivory and plastic keys is the needle test. When a needle is gently pressed into ivory, it will leave a small dent. In contrast, plastic keys will not be affected by the needle. However, it is important to note that this test should only be performed by professionals to avoid damaging the keys.

How to Distinguish Ivory Keys?

what are piano keys made of

If you own an older piano and are unsure whether the keys are made of ivory or plastic, there are a few methods you can use to make a determination. One method is to closely examine the keys under good lighting.

Ivory keys have a distinct grain pattern and may show signs of wear and discoloration over time. Plastic keys, on the other hand, will have a more uniform appearance.

Another method is to tap the keys gently with your fingernail. Ivory keys produce a soft, mellow sound, while plastic keys tend to have a brighter and sharper sound. However, it is important to remember that these methods are not foolproof, and consulting a professional is always recommended for an accurate assessment.

Can You Get Replacement Ivory Keys?

Due to the ethical and environmental concerns surrounding the use of ivory, it is increasingly difficult to find replacement ivory keys. In many countries, the sale and trade of ivory products are strictly regulated or prohibited altogether.

As a result, piano manufacturers have shifted towards using synthetic materials for key replacements. These materials are designed to mimic the look and feel of real ivory while ensuring environmental sustainability.


Piano keys have evolved over centuries, from wooden keys on early pianos to the introduction of ivory and, more recently, synthetic materials. Understanding the composition of piano keys allows us to appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship involved in creating these beautiful instruments.

Whether made of ivory or plastic, the keys of a piano hold the power to create melodies that touch our souls. So, the next time you sit down at a piano, take a moment to appreciate the keys beneath your fingertips and the history they carry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What material is used for piano keys?

Piano keys have evolved over the years in terms of the materials used. In the past, ivory was the primary material for piano keys due to its smooth texture and durability. However, due to ethical and environmental concerns, the use of ivory in the piano industry has been largely phased out.

Nowadays, most piano keys are made of a synthetic material called plastic, specifically a type of plastic known as cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB). This material closely mimics the feel and appearance of ivory, providing pianists with a comfortable playing experience.

What are piano keys made of nowadays?

As mentioned earlier, piano keys are predominantly made of a type of plastic known as cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB). This material is a popular choice in the piano manufacturing industry due to its durability, affordability, and versatility.

CAB is a thermoplastic that can be easily molded into the shape of piano keys, allowing for consistent and precise key construction. Additionally, CAB has a smooth surface that closely resembles the feel of ivory, providing pianists with a familiar and comfortable playing experience.

How do I know if my piano keys are ivory or plastic?

If you own an older piano or have inherited one, you may be curious about the material used for the keys. Determining whether the keys are made of ivory or plastic can be challenging, especially to the untrained eye. However, there are a few key characteristics that can help you differentiate between the two.

Firstly, ivory keys tend to have a warmer, off-white color with subtle variations and a slight translucency. On the other hand, plastic keys are typically brighter white and have a more uniform appearance.

Secondly, ivory keys may show signs of aging such as yellowing or hairline cracks, while plastic keys are generally more resistant to discoloration and damage. Lastly, you can also observe the grain patterns on the keys. Ivory keys often have visible grain lines, while plastic keys have a more consistent and smooth surface.

How much are ivory keys worth?

The value of ivory keys varies depending on various factors such as their condition, age, and demand in the market. However, it is important to note that selling or purchasing ivory keys may be subject to legal restrictions and regulations due to concerns about wildlife conservation and animal welfare.

In recent years, the trade and sale of ivory and ivory products, including piano keys, have been heavily regulated or even banned in many countries.

This has significantly impacted the market value of ivory keys, as the demand has decreased and the supply has become limited. Additionally, the ethical concerns associated with ivory have caused a shift towards alternative materials, further reducing the demand and value of ivory keys.

If you possess ivory keys and are considering selling them, it is advisable to consult with a reputable piano dealer or appraiser who can provide you with an accurate assessment of their value based on the current market conditions and legal considerations.

How much is an ivory key piano worth?

The value of an ivory key piano can vary significantly depending on several factors, including its age, brand, condition, and the overall demand for such pianos in the market.

It is important to note that the sale and purchase of ivory key pianos may be subject to legal restrictions and regulations due to ethical and environmental concerns.

Many countries have implemented strict regulations regarding the trade and sale of ivory and ivory products, including pianos. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure compliance with the applicable laws before engaging in any transaction involving an ivory key piano.

That being said, antique pianos with ivory keys from renowned manufacturers and in good condition can still hold value in the market. Collectors and enthusiasts may be interested in acquiring such pianos for their historical significance and unique features.

However, the market for ivory key pianos has significantly diminished due to the availability of alternative materials and the ethical concerns associated with ivory.

Ulrich Y.

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