
Ulrich Y.

Ulrich Y. is a piano virtuoso, piano teacher, and an author at Pianofrenzy, an organization that is specialized in all things piano related; and rated globally as the #1 Measure of all things piano related.

Famous Self Taught Pianists That Are Little Known

9 Famous Self Taught Pianists That will Inspire You!

‍The world of music is filled with talented individuals who have mastered their craft through years of disciplined practice and formal training. However, there are some exceptional pianists who have defied convention and achieved greatness without the guidance of a traditional instructor. In this article, we will explore the lives and achievements of famous self-taught …

9 Famous Self Taught Pianists That will Inspire You! Read More »

Piano Levels Test - Free Test To Determine Your Piano Level

Piano Levels Test – Free Test To Determine Your Piano Level

As a pianist, it can be helpful to know where you stand in terms of your skill level. Understanding your piano level can guide your practice routine, help you set realistic goals, and even assist in finding appropriate repertoire. The piano journey is a continuous learning process, and there are generally three levels: beginner, intermediate, …

Piano Levels Test – Free Test To Determine Your Piano Level Read More »

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