
Ulrich Y.

Ulrich Y. is a piano virtuoso, piano teacher, and an author at Pianofrenzy, an organization that is specialized in all things piano related; and rated globally as the #1 Measure of all things piano related.

most popular types of jazz

The 10 Most Popular Types of Jazz Piano You Need to Check Out!

Jazz piano is a diverse and vibrant genre that has evolved significantly over the years. Each style brings its unique flavor and history, captivating audiences and inspiring musicians worldwide. Here are the ten most popular types of jazz piano that you should explore. Key takeaways Jazz Style Notable Pianists Characteristics Ragtime Scott Joplin Syncopated rhythm, …

The 10 Most Popular Types of Jazz Piano You Need to Check Out! Read More »

The 10 Best grand piano dehumidifier

Maintaining the optimal humidity level is crucial for the longevity and performance of a piano. Fluctuations in humidity can cause the wood to expand and contract, leading to tuning instability, warping, and even damage to the piano’s delicate components. To combat these issues, investing in a quality dehumidifier specifically designed for grand pianos is essential. …

The 10 Best grand piano dehumidifier Read More »

15 best easy piano pop songs Book

Discovering the perfect “easy piano pop songs book” can transform your piano learning journey, especially if you’re a beginner or intermediate player who enjoys contemporary music. This post reviews 15 exceptional books designed to offer an enjoyable and educational experience for those looking to delve into pop music arrangements at an easier level. Each review …

15 best easy piano pop songs Book Read More »

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