
A Comprehensive Guide to 12 Basic Piano Techniques

basic piano techniques

The piano is a versatile instrument that offers an array of beautiful sounds and emotions. Mastering the piano requires a solid understanding of a set of basic piano techniques.

This comprehensive guide will delve into 12 basic piano techniques that every aspiring pianist should practice, starting with the summary of the techniques as follows

Key takeaways:

Basic Piano TechniquesImportance
Posture and PositioningEnsures comfort and efficiency while playing.
FingeringAllows for smooth and efficient playing.
PedalingEnhances the music by sustaining sounds.
Playing ScalesImproves technique and enhances music theory understanding.
Chord PracticeForms the basis of all music.
Octave PracticeAdds depth to performance and improves hand stretching ability.
Practicing ThirdsAdds harmony and complexity to performance.
Practicing SixthsAdds richness and depth to performance.
Practicing TrillsAdds dramatic effect to performance.
Sight ReadingEnhances the ability to learn new music quickly.
Memorizing MusicAllows focus on technique and interpretation.
Regular PracticeKey to mastering these basic piano techniques.

1. Posture and Positioning

1.1 The Importance of Correct Posture

Just like playing any other instrument, playing the piano demands a proper posture. Sitting with a straight back and relaxed shoulders can help you to play with more efficiency and prevent any potential strain or discomfort.

1.2 Correct Sitting Position

The distance between you and the piano, as well as your bench height, play crucial roles in your playing comfort and efficiency. Ensure that your bench is set parallel to the keyboard’s center and that your elbows align parallel to the keyboard.

1.3 Proper Hand Position

Your hand position significantly influences your piano playing. Your fingers should be parallel to the keys, hovering near the middle of the white keys, close to where the black keys begin.

2. Fingering

2.1 Importance of Fingering

Fingering is an essential aspect of piano playing. Correct fingering allows you to play smoothly and efficiently without unnecessary hand movements.

2.2 Fingering Basics

Each finger on your hand is assigned a number from 1 to 5. The thumb is 1, and the little finger is 5. Using the correct fingers to press the keys is crucial for efficient playing.

3. Pedaling

3.1 Understanding Pedaling

Pedaling is an integral part of piano playing that allows you to sustain sounds and add richness to your music. The pedal on the far right, known as the sustain or damper pedal, is the most used.

3.2 Pedaling Technique

The technique for using the damper pedal involves pressing it down whenever the chord changes in the piece. This ensures a sustained and harmonious sound.

4. Playing Scales

4.1 The Role of Scales

Scales are foundational to piano playing. They not only improve your technique but also enhance your understanding of music theory.

4.2 Practicing Scales

Aim to learn a new scale each week, starting with the basic C major. As you progress, you can move on to more complex scales.

5. Chord Practice

5.1 Introduction to Chords

Chords form the basis of all music. Learning to play chords is an essential aspect of piano playing.

5.2 Chord Practice

Begin with major chords, then move on to minor, diminished, and augmented chords. Try to play these chords in all keys for a comprehensive understanding.

6. Octave Practice

6.1 What are Octaves?

An octave is an interval of eight notes. Octaves are frequently used in piano music and can add depth to your performance.

6.2 Octave Practice

Start by practicing simple octaves, then progress to more challenging pieces. Practicing octaves will help you become more familiar with the keyboard’s layout, improve your hand stretching ability, and enhance your overall technique.

7. Practicing Thirds

7.1 The Importance of Thirds

Thirds are another crucial interval in piano music. They add harmony and complexity to your performance.

7.2 Practicing Thirds

Practice playing thirds smoothly and without tension. Start with simple thirds and gradually move on to more complex pieces.

8. Practicing Sixths

8.1 Understanding Sixths

Sixths are another vital interval in piano music. They add richness and depth to your performance.

8.2 Practicing Sixths

Practice playing sixths smoothly and without tension. Start with simple sixths and gradually progress to more complex pieces.

9. Practicing Trills

basic piano techniques

9.1 Introduction to Trills

Trills are a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes and are used in many genres of piano music.

9.2 Trill Practice

Start slow and increase speed as you become more comfortable. Trills can add a dramatic effect to your performance, so they’re worth the practice.

10. Sight Reading

10.1 Importance of Sight Reading

Sight-reading involves playing a piece of music for the first time without prior practice. This skill is essential for all musicians and enhances your ability to learn new music quickly.

10.2 Tips for Sight Reading

Start by sight-reading simple pieces and gradually move on to more complex compositions. Practice regularly to improve your sight-reading skills.

11. Memorizing Music

11.1 Why Memorization Matters

Memorizing your music allows you to focus on your technique and interpretation. It also makes it easier to perform in front of others.

11.2 Effective Memorization Strategies

Use strategies like chunking, repetition, and mental play to memorize your music. Practice consistently and take breaks to help your brain absorb the information.

12. Regular Practice

Consistent, focused practice is the key to mastering these basic piano techniques. Set aside dedicated practice time each day and work on each technique systematically.


How long does it take to learn basic piano techniques? 

The time it takes to learn basic piano techniques varies greatly depending on the individual’s commitment to practice, previous musical experience, and natural aptitude for music. However, with regular focused practice, most beginners can expect to grasp the basics within a few months to a year.

What is the correct hand position when playing the piano? 

The fingers should be curved and relaxed, forming a dome shape over the keys. The thumb and the little finger (pinky) should be rounded and not stretched out flat.

Why are scales important in piano playing? 

Scales are important because they help you understand key signatures, improve your finger technique, enhance your musical ear, and increase your familiarity with the piano keyboard.

How can I improve my sight-reading skills? 

Regular practice is the key to improving sight-reading skills. Start with simple pieces and gradually move on to more complex compositions. Practice reading both the treble and bass clefs simultaneously, and work on pieces in different keys and time signatures.

What is the role of the sustain pedal in piano playing? 

The sustain pedal, also known as the damper pedal, allows the notes to continue sounding after you lift your fingers from the keys. This creates a sustained, rich, and flowing sound.

A word from the author


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Proper piano technique

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How to improve piano technique

Ulrich Y.

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